AIM Worldwide provides support to our partners with the latest insights into setting up and running an AI station including:
- specialist visits providing direct advice and online support
- laboratory layouts and operating procedures
- training of staff, on the spot if needed
- Boar stud AI management software
- PigSis software to achieve the best moment for insemination
- insight into the latest research and development results via an annual seminar with a group of leading managers of AI stations from around the world
- quality control via a newly designed audit system
- Solusem extender for maximum on-farm fertility results
- reduced prices for consumables
We cover everything from quarantine to insemination, and our expertise includes topics such as:
- boar housing
- biosecurity measures
- boar stud management
- laboratory layouts and operating procedures
- quality control
- establishing logistic systems
- enhancing on-farm fertility results